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From Paris With Love... Interview with AGJC

Monday, 21 July 2014

Appreciators of the smallest and simplest forms, AGJC's design duo Fernanda Lemme and Jérôme Collet wonderful minimalist creations goes back to the very basic, purely concentrating on defined lines and clean shapes with utmost wearability and versatility. The "les géométriques" collection is my absolute favourite with their rustic oxidised originality with a hint of Parisian ideals; the love of  finer things in life.

1. ​​Tell me the story behind the brand AGJC​ jewelry.

Fernanda: We meet a few years ago in Barcelona. We both come from backgrounds of art and design and we love work with our hands so in the beginning we simply enjoyed creating small objects and spending time together in our atelier space at home sharing our different knowledge as a crafters... and one day we realised that is was not a bad idea trying to turn our passion in a real job and it worked. We are very grateful about this success and we work hard to grow each day.

2. How do you personally define geometry?

For us geometry is at the same time simplicity of shapes and complexity of maths, a beautiful combination of opposites.

3. The jewelry concentrates on lines and shapes, where does the inspiration/ideas come from?

Our sources of inspirations are various as nature, illustration or architecture but always regarding the simplicity and minimalism of shapes. 

Our inspiration comes from various sources, usually from the daily experience.... nature, sometimes as a new flower or discovering a new taste from a recipe or colours and fragrance from markets or travelling and discovering different ways of live.
4. ​​Describe the person wearing your jewelry.

The style purified of our jewelry won't pass unobserved for persons who finds elegance in simplicity. Our clients are women who appreciate the contemporary design in simple pieces very comfortable and easy to wear during all day. And one of the curious aspects of our jewelry is that simplicity of shapes makes them also interesting for men who usually by our pieces to offer to her.

5. If you're not making jewelry how do you relax?

We usually enjoy long walks crossing the city or travelling, what we do as much is possible for us, this is a perfect way to relax and discovering new things. We also enjoy visiting markets, cooking and of course eating! We enjoy the simple things in life and we believe that this is actually reflected in many aspects of our work.

6. Describe your creative and technical process.

Inspiration comes and we start drawing or working with paper in 3d to sketch and share our ideas, then we fabricate different models using the traditional jewelry methods and we finally choose some of them. The next work is taking pictures, write descriptions and sharing our work!

7. What is your most memorable moment/achievement during your jewelry designing career?​

The most memorable moments comes always from feedback with customers, we are very attentive and I take extra time to have a good communication with them! and few month ago we worked on a custom order for a boyfriend who send us a sketch rethinking one of our designs. It was an interesting experience and when the ring finally arrives to her girlfriend he wrote a lovely comment for us.
We are very grateful for this sort of words and is a very incentive to still working!

​8. Describe your jewelry in 5 words.

Simple – Minimal – Delicate – Lightweight - Comfortable 

9. Finally, what is your favourite piece? What do you personally wear yourself?

This is one of our last ring that we made and I'm in love with his simplicity, I'm wearing it almost every day!

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