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Hidden gems...

Friday, 5 July 2013

Prior to the launch on 9th July 2013, I had a sneak peek of a new online marketplace Gem Alley that supports and showcases independent and emerging jewellery designers to the world. Without giving too much away, each and every collection has a unique story to tell, are there to inspire and an appreciation of the modern talents we have at our disposal.  

Without much further ado, here are a few selected pieces I've painstakingly picked out, but believe you me, it wasn't easy. There are appropriately 25 independent jewellery designers and over 200 individual pieces ready for launch. However, after previewing the site's interactive content and exciting ideas as opposed to just a 'click and purchase' format, I believe the numbers will grow. I am counting the days...  

Renaissance Rebel II statement bangle by Rosie Sanders
Renaissance Rebel II Pompadour signet ring by Rosie Sanders
Perspex Cuff by Anna Byers
Hexagon ring in silver by Anna Byers
Flooded bangle from the O Collection by Hayley Gerry
Rebellion collection by Majdan Rocks

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