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The Perfect Tear: Zohra Rahman Unsent Letters

Monday, 23 November 2015

"Unsent Letters illustrate the words which could have been spoken, the letters which could have been written and the correspondences which could have been sent."

- Zohra Rahman 

Is handwriting becoming slowly obsolete? In the era where communications are typed, tweeted, texted and blogged, it is fair to say the illustrious period where handwriting is a form of art and inner expression is being replaced with pre-selected fonts provided for us. Although words are used to express opinions, feelings, grievances and thoughts, sometimes visuals speak louder than words, especially through the means of wearable art.

Ripped pieces of gold and white papers forms Zohra Rahman's unique collection. These scraps of paper are torn up, wrapped, and folded on various parts of the body to become personalised adornment. Her collection aims to capture everyday life moments that are so fleeting, may ultimately slip away unnoticed. 

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