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Infinite Perspective: Emma Ware

Thursday, 5 June 2014

 I was profoundly struck by the whimsically gothic and bird-like elements of Emma Ware's Infinity collection that transforms jewellery into a whole new level of wearable aesthetics, where art, beauty and taste form a unique combination and evokes an irresistible collection that has a dark fantasy and preying connotations.

Described as an eco artist with a design conscious mindset, Emma handmade pieces are fundamentally sustainable and ethical, however this is not conspicuous which is a tribute to Emma's artistic visionary and imaginative narration. Using jewellery as a communicative tool, the subjects of elitism, society, reality and freedom comes to mind. 

 Using malleable dark rubber and minimal metal, the collection enables adaptive movements and rhythmic flow. Her sculpture-like jewellery frames and traces the contours of the female form, reflecting the graceful curves and angles that is in tune with the human body and ultimately brought to life.

The piece that stood out for me the most is the Rhythm necklace. The rippling tide of dark twisting rubber that entwines menacingly around the neck and the graceful singular chain that falls a half looping curve onto the chest area symbolises a striking contrasts of prey and vulnerability, representing the fundamental importance of using the body to assist in narrating the story of the necklace. 

 The infinity collection is a lot of things, but most importantly, it lets the imagination to run wild.

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